Saturday, March 21, 2009


I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but governments and media talk countries into recessions. We have seen that over the last several months in Australia. Are things really as bad as they appear? Mmm I wonder!

Having worked in HR and as a Coach to organisations over the last 20 odd years, I know that a recession is used as a fabulous excuse for everyone to externalise blame for avoiding and more importantly not making appropriate choices, decisions or actions.

Governments do it all the time. In particularly this Rudd government is using it to spend a truckload of money and enable legislation (Fair Work Bill) that is not great for small-medium business, which in turn affects the Economy. If the bill succeeds, there will be less permanent jobs that can be guaranteed. But will any worsening of the economy be blamed on the Bill or actions of the government? Of course not silly, it’s that pesky recession (which by the way isn’t his fault either lol)!!!

Companies play the game (strategic PR moves) as well: down-sizing, right-sizing, off-shoring & outsourcing. They take advantage of a situation (i.e. blame the good ole recession) to enable the things to get fixed in organisations. Why not, it’s as good a reason as any!

And then we have individuals who also use the recession as an excuse to keep themselves in their comfort zones. Perhaps they were contemplating leaving their job this year, but now have decided to ‘stick it out’ due to the economy, despite being unhappy and probably disengaged. Or they were thinking of going into business or changing careers, but its ‘now not a good time to make such a risky move’.

Oh really, there’s a perfect time? If you know of the mysterious future perfect time you should be making trillions by sharing the secret :)!

I’ll tell you a universal secret about the perfect time – IT’S NOW. AND IT’S ALWAYS NOW! The future is a figment of your imagination. The only thing you have control over is what you do in the now, so take some free advice and work it baby right NOW!

I was speaking to someone today about career management in a downturn economy. And they said, it’s like advertising in this environment. You get the best bang for buck as there are fewer companies advertising, therefore you achieve higher cut-through and Brand awareness.

That is exactly right! It is the same principle that I am arguing. NOW is the time to accelerate your career by investing in a Career Coach or a Mentoring Program and getting ahead of the game! To get ahead, you need a well thought out strategy.

Now, I know all you high flyers out there are going DOH! But the rest of the population are unlikely to be seeing it that way. They’re all sitting around waiting for something to happen to them or for them. That’s why they’re not high flyers and you are.

Do high flyers have a problem finding work in any economy? The answer there will be no! High flyers commit to their career, invest in themselves and grow and promote their brand. They are always in demand in any economy.

Everyone can do it! You just need a helping hand.

So you have a choice - are you going to be a sheep and get herded about with the other millions, or are you going to take a stand now, make a commitment and take action to accelerate your career, right here, right now.

Career Coaching, like that offered by MyPerformanceCoach, helps you work through your blockages (perceived barriers like the economy, limiting beliefs, skills, confidence and knowledge deficits); broadens or validates your thinking about your current situation and future career situation; helps you gain significant mileage by developing a strategic game plan (when everyone else has buried their heads in the sand and riding out the economy); and above all ensure you get to the front of the employment job line and become TOM (top of mind) to the employers you want to target.

I also have the great privilege to sit on the FITT (Females in Information Technology and Telecommunications) Steering Committee and lead their development program. The FITT Mentoring Program has been hugely successful in helping over 30 women so far gain a head-start in their careers. The program is well structured, with a fantastic matching process that ensures we attract high quality mentors. So, if you are a female in the ICT industry and are based in Sydney, check out our fabulous program. You’ll need to hurry as applications close 7 April 2009!

NOW is the time to act! Get yourself a good head start and Good Luck!